The band Svart were French but seemed a little untight in tempo for my taste. Many were there to see Ex Deo, who provided a traditional, gutteral, melodic deathish metal, pleasing if unexceptional. There were some neat martial horn themes in the mix. I could not hear the lyrics well but think they were mainly about the Roman army at war. Obviously very disappointing for general effect that they were not in Latin. Only the singer was in Roman attire.
A most satisfactory visit from the eagles, then; Nile themselves began with no sound in the bass and no fancy dress at all. Their music was more brutal, faster, technical, and difficult to follow. It is at best character-building to listen to a death metal CD all the way through, and likewise this was a set I did not feel ended too soon. Plus, the Garage was extremely hot. So signs off Melachi, by a sweltering Nile!