Sunday 8 April 2012

Melachi at the feet of the Electric Wizards

Melachi at the feet of the Electric Wizards, 31 March 2012

2 Apr 2012, 19:29
Sat 31 Mar – Electric Wizard, Witchsorrow, Age Of Taurus, Purson

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the Electric Wizard Concert at the HMV Forum in London on 31 March, 2012, and hereby bring my judgement. I had not previously heard of the 3 support bands.

The first act, Purson, most mighty merchants of the metal-riff, were befittingly bearded. The lead guitar could have been higher in the mix towards the end -- to more fully manifest the majesty of such a regressive woolly mammoth of an axe-wielder! I will most certainly be seeing them again.

The second band, Age of Taurus, I originally thought were all female, but upon closer examination it became apparent that probably only one was female, the others merely wearing coloured clothes, though who knows what a still more thorough investigation might reveal! They were accompanied by an odd sitar-like instrument, but to my ears were neither fully witchy or properly progressive, nor well-structured, nor even free-jazz, in the neo-Opethian sense, but merely rather confusing. I would say I was rather puzzled by them and not too inclined to repeat the experience.

The third band, Witchsorrow, all 3 members, had an extremely loud bass playing rather banal riffs so that at times the feedback drowned out the rest, though there was in truth not much more there to hear in any case. I suggest in my mind that they write some more interesting riffs.

The Electric Wizards themselves played from 9:35 to 11:05, against projections of Italian and Dutch horror films. There were three guitarists, backed by a splendidly lugubrious drummer. They were almost static, and I hope at their next seance to see them staring down, upstanding on pillars, in the manner of the ancient stylites. After a few songs the music was turned up to an acceptable level, and the riffs became too distorted to hear clearly. The overall effect was not unlike Hawkwind, back in the day.

Aye to neo-psychedelic experience, and Italian girls banging and lighting up all around me (I was near the front). Nay, that I could not recognise the tracks, as the music fundamentally sounded all the same. Be warned - all bands played extremely loud, and I wore earplugs throughout except at the end. Also, the clear 7" single on sale at the back turns, preferably, at 33rpm.

Behold, ye mighty! For I, Melachi, have spoken!