The Histories of the Guilds of Darktide

Being appointed Third History Keeper of the Kingdom of Eleador in accordance with Regulation 67 of May 2004 of that Kingdom, I am directed by the King to write an account of the Kingdom and related Guilds, from the earliest times until the present day. The fruits of my researches and the sources on which they are based are to be found below. To the greater glory of the King, Council and Citizens of the Kingdom of Eleador!

Ye that pass by our archive, and know not the meaning of these texts, let you visit the Kingdom, where a welcome awaits. Whether it is the welcome expected, is not for me to say. 

Of the Kingdom of Eleador

History of the Kingdom of Eleador, by Melachi ibn Amillar [until the Third Constitutional Convention of King Rhynn, 2008]

History of the Kingdom of Eleador, Part II [from the Third Constitutional Convention until present times]

Magnos Ethos of the Kingdom of Eleador

Magnos Ethos of the Second Age Reaffirmed of the Kingdom of Eleador

Regulations of the Kingdom of Eleador [see Annex to the History of the Kingdom]

Of Other Guilds

Source No.
Source title
Contains information about the battles on Darktide prior to the formation of the Kingdom, in which many of the Founders of Eleador are mentioned. Written by Schattenkind in 2001.
History of Stonehold by the followers of General Zhang
Contained reliable information about the founding guilds of Darktide and their early adventures around Stonehold, one of their strongholds, compiled by Lord Frost Gunner, Teru, Sai-ban and Svenn. I cannot now track down a manuscript of this history, and it may be lost forever.
Valuable information about the early history of the Circle, particularly their residence in Ayan Baqur.
Aytalya's Darktide Library
This library of the Circle of the Eternal Dragon, maintained by its greatest archivist, storyteller and poet, was largely sold off to the Warcry archive as Aytalya fell on hard times, last seen scraping a living "dancing Calypso" for old dwarves. The archive contained valuable information about the history of the Founding Guilds of Eleador on Darktide. However, it no longer exists.




A short history of one of the founding guilds of Eleador on Darktide. Much information is still lacking, due to the absence of the relevant informants, particularly for the third and fourth years of its existence.

Announcements and news from the early years of the Circle of Arms 2000-2003, taken from its website.

Account of Campaigns on Darktide by a member of the Circle of Arms.

Admiring memoir by Sabzevarian.

Account of the life of a humble healer of the Circle of Arms on Darktide, by Melachi ibn Amillar.
Notes of a conversation about early Darktide by an early member of the Circle of Arms, with comments from Carbok, a fearsome warrior of the period, covering also the leadership of Sopron in the third year.
History of one of the founding guilds of Eleador until the entry into Mordred among the lands of Albion, strangely omitting any mention of Eleador.
A longer history of the Defenders of Order from the beginnings on Darktide to the fall of Gaeryn’s Hope on Deception.
Gothar’s account of the early history of the Hill People, one of whose leaders, the Great Shaman, became an influential force in Eleador.




Shaman's History of the Hill People

Biography of Og

History of the Keepers of Chaos (Blood monarchy) by Rak

Rak's personal history of his time on Darktide

Histories of the Brothers of Amn
A History of the Hill People by their Great Shaman

Biography of Og, a feared warrior of the early Darktide period, named after the only sound he was heard to utter, by the Pilgrim Barbasol.

History of the most powerful of the Player Killer Guilds on Darktide.

History of one of the founding guilds of Eleador, members of the Iron Triangle Alliance on Darktide, whence they arrived from their homeland of Arregaltania. The author, Voltaire of Amn, was the first Minister of the Interior of Eleador.
Contains information on the founding of the Circle of Arms on Darktide, in the second year prior to the foundation of the Kingdom, based on conversations with Val Kelvartis, brother of Wynter Kelvartis, legendary co-founder of the Circle.

The former Queen of the Kingdom gives her account of the Keepers of Asheron, her view of the second constitutional crisis, and the formation of the Iron Circle.

The former King's account differs somewhat from that of the former Queen. 

Keyel’s notes on the history of the Iron Circle, the Covenant of Swords and the second constitutional crisis of the Kingdom.
Keyel’s history of the Keepers of Asheron, the foundation of the Iron Circle and their time in Aerynth.
The Shadowbane Unification Pact
The vision of the first King of Eleador originally posted on many boards of the Good-aligned guilds of Darktide, now stored in the library of the Kingdom.
Statement of Purpose for Eleador's foundation
Further information about the purpose of Eleador's foundation, containing details of the political situation on Darktide in the year before the foundation of the Kingdom.
Forum discussions outside of the Kingdom
At the time of writing, the forums of the Good-aligned guilds dating from the Darktide era are all either closed or deleted, though the possibility cannot be excluded that copies of these records exist somewhere.
Historical Forums of Eleador
These are the records of the discussions of the constitution of the Kingdom. These were until recently stored in the Library of the Kingdom. A password, available on request, was required for access to certain material. However, there is at present some problem retrieving them.
Poem containing information on the Good-aligned Guilds of Darktide.
These are the principal source for the history of Eleador and are records of the discussions of the Kingdom. At the time of writing they are available in uninterrupted sequence since the Foundation. Access to certain discussions is only granted to active Elear, and other discussions are restricted to members of the High Council. Crucial records of these are indexed above in the "codex of regulations". Certain Regulations are also extracted and are available in annotated and unchanging format from the "codex", catalogued by regulation number.
Ceolodor's report on the war between the Alliance of Order and the Avatars of the Flame, including the Elear attack on the Avatar's allies, Darkenbane, as published by the Shadowbane Heralds.
Zalaster's report on the Truce between the House Daenyr and the Kill Cult.
Ceolodor's report on the events following the fall of Gaeryn's hope.
Toveridj's report on the advances of the Ancient Order and its allies following the fall of Eleador.
Brief notes on the last siege of Lion's Pride in the Second Great War of Deception.
Toveridj's report on the counterattack by the Defenders of Order and their allies
Detailed notes on the history of Deception penned by the Elear Coran Pathfinder (also known as Owain Goch and Owain Fawrwynd), then leader of The Ancient Order.
Surviving fragments of the great epic poem of Eleador, providing information about key events in the formative years of the Kingdom. The historical veracity of some segments is doubtful.
An account of the adventures of the Knights of the Alliance during their time on Deception, their leader Galahad being an ally of Eleador at the time of the fall of Gaeryn's Hope. Contains useful maps recording the development of the cities on Deception.

Account of a dispute in the Elear Corporation of Eve between Farloc Windsoarer and Mordekai Slayton

History of the Winterblades, chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The accounts of Farloc and Mordekai on the dispute stemming from the Corporation in Eve leading to the creation of the position of Junior member to the Council (see Regulation 81)

Comprehensive tome by the great historian of the Winterblades, a guild Eleador fought alongside in Aerynth.

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