Thursday 30 July 2015

Richard II at the Globe

I did see "Richard II" at The Globe, London, in July 2015, and received an e-mail from the theatre asking me to share my opinion on their "facebook". Well, it is a pleasant venue which I had not visited before. Although for the full experience one would have to stand in the pit, from around the side at the top I could see well and was pretty comfortable. The play is about a not terribly effective king who has to deal with some rebels. I thought the Presence of the king quite fine, and did not find the usurpers as charismatic. Indeed, I am surprised more did not rally to the king. There were many memorable lines, though I would have preferred more rhyming, and the dialogue was too often marred by silly puns and wordplay. As for the plot, it was all easy to follow, but for dramatic tension could be reworked a bit. It started with rather a lengthy scene with two usurpers arguing, and I thought this would set up the stage for the rest, but one of them just disappeared from the plot until someone came in towards the end and said he had been killed in a crusade. People also seemed to speak warmly about England at random points for no very obvious reason. Several mildly amusing bits went on for rather a long time. I was expecting a fine oration at the end, of the victor over the vanquished, but instead it all ended quite abruptly. But I would certainly like to see the next play in the series!