Sunday 13 December 2015

Africa Hotel, Axum, Ethiopia

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, stayed at the Africa Hotel, Axum, for a few days in November 2015. It is pleasant and clean, and the rooms are around a courtyard that could be nice. The restaurant was very large, though always nearly deserted, and the food was variable. This place has potential - perhaps this is why men with power-tools were renovating from 8am to 6 pm, though with a break for lunch, which means I cannot recommend it at the moment. Efram will try to book you on some good though expensive tours to the town and the churches. Axum itself is a dismal, poor town on which some international taxpayer, probably myself, has clearly spent a great deal of money to improve the road and infrastructure, but omitting to replace the people. I do not think that Ethiopians much like strangers and I think this is the only place I have ever abandoned a sightseeing stroll due to incessant "beggars" and "guides", indeed finally preferring the construction at the hotel.

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