Sunday 19 February 2012

A-le-storm, and the Vet

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the gig of Alestorm and associated Pirate Metallers on Saturday, 18 February 2012, at the Islington Academy. The first band I heard were "Claim the Throne". They were intoxicated before playing their first note, and continued to drink through large funnels, which they passed among the crowd. Their tunes were folkish, though they seemed to lose their way and guitar strings somewhere in the middle. The band Alestorm sounded quite similar, and were greeted by a great waving of plastic cutlasses and eyepatches from a youngish and equally intoxicated crowd. I could hear every word they said, and the lyrics were indeed quite witty. Very much a party band, then, and I would not mind another party, though cannot imagine actually listening to their records in my living place.

Returning to that place, at the bus stop I met a young lady, returning from the concert, dressed in black, with folded head kerchief, saying that she had been to see "A-le-storm", which she pronounced in three syllables and in an American accent, as though she were unaware that "Ale" is, in England, a common beverage, a bit like Coca-Cola; and there she encountered two others, but dressed with colours, indeed stylishly, and it transpired that they had known one another before, in Hong Kong, and had not met for many months. Finding myself seated alongside this latter couple onto the bus, they announced how much that first lady had changed, that she used to dress like a normal person, but now looked like a freak; that they had never heard of where she had claimed to go to Veterinary college (London Met) and that she had always been strange, though that it was good she had adopted a strange and new character, in a strange land.

I, Melachi, have no comment to make, other than such is many a mosher's lot. But this is a tale told by Melachi, and it is a true story.

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