Sunday 18 March 2012

Melachi and The Acacia Strain, who were not pretty

Melachi survives a band that were not pretty                                           

Sat 17 Mar – The Acacia Strain, TRC, Brutality Will Prevail, Honour Is Dead, Chorus of Nine

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend a concert of The Acacia Strain at the Underworld, in Camden, London, on 17 March 2012, and hereby bring my report. I missed all the support bands, having to see a man about a dog in the nearby Burger King, a filthy place where they were refusing to give trays even to customers dining in. Furthermore, although I ordered an Aberdeen Angus burger, there was nothing on the packaging to suggest the unfortunate creature had grazed in the highlands, and was not actually from Uruguay.

On wandering to the Underworld, I found that there seemed to be a party going on outside, where the enterprising youth stood around upended crates sipping a weak beer. A strangely early curfew meant that the gig was almost over. The venue itself was only partly filled, but with very old people, including grannies and crusties with walking frames. My companion ordered a Guinness, it being St Patrick's night, which was decanted into several glasses before arriving, and the taste of which, he remarked, left anything Irish much to the imagination.

We ventured to the pit, where the band began to play. As they announced, they were not a pretty band, and I would not disagree with that. I was not familiar with their oeuvre, which resembled a sort of punky music but played on detuned guitars rather than the nasty jangly ones. I did not notice any guitar leads and the songs all sounded quite similar. Among the bands I know, it was most similar to Lamb of God, but less dynamic rhythmically, maybe. The volume level was rather low except at the end. They also said they were all about aggression and nihilism; I could not hear the lyrics (although many of the audience were singing along to them), but I have no reason to doubt that either. There was some dancing at the front of the stage, and quite a lot of stage diving. Unfortunately, I had damaged my knee in the Cannibal Corpse mosh-pit the previous weekend (what nobler reason could one give for such an injury?), so was unable to take part on this occasion. There is also a pillar in front of the stage in that venue, which may as well have been expressly designed to break the neck of any stage diver. Though there were some flailing fists (or at least windmills) I would not say the atmosphere was particularly aggressive, though I understand someone twisted his ankle.

I say yea to... well, not a lot really, though I quite enjoyed it. Nay to random fists, however well-intentioned.

Behold, ye mighty, for I, Melachi, have spoken!

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