Sunday 23 June 2013

Upstairs, downstairs, Surya

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the gig of  Martyr DefiledWe Die TonightI'll Stay In MemphisBlack Polaris and Beneath The Wake at the Surya Club, near Islington, London, on 22 June, 2013. The stage is downstairs, and the bar upstairs.  The bands themselves were distinctly hardcore but the sound quality was oddly good. A few dozen studenty people were there, who disappeared upstairs after each band. Eventually I followed to see what was going on. No-one seemed to be drinking very much (at £4 a can), in fact, they were mainly staring at mobile phones. A bit bored, I had the bright idea of staring at my own mobile phone. To my surprise (after six years of ownership) I found there were several games on it, including one about owning a nightclub, though I could not understand the rules.
 "We Die Tonight" were my favourite performers, mainly due to the singer, who did the high and the guttural notes well. The Martyr themselves were fearsomely aggressive, and inspired some hardcore dancing (with karate kick moves), though not from me. I took this picture of one of the earlier groups, I'm not sure who, but then ran out of film. Such is the lot of Melachi.

Monday 17 June 2013

Das Download 2013

Nu Metal
I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the Download Festival in June 2013. It was not as wet as last year, though a little cold in a tent in the night, being on my own, and with some showers, though warm on Sunday. For Melachi, the festival is a bit of a health farm, as it is difficult to get anything to drink. Other than beer, which barely counts. Anyway, the line-up on paper did not look as interesting as the previous year, having a nu-metal flavour, which I mainly avoided; naturally, I had not previously seen Slip
Old Metal
, though I have one of their albums I do not much like. But their show was very impressive and the singer oddly charismatic for someone in a mask. I did not quite follow the point of the strange clown, but if a blank-eyed fellow comes up to me in a bar and says "five, five, five", I now know how to reply! I had not heard anything previously by Bullet for my Valentine, but they played a fine hard rock with striking guitars. Katatonia did their gloomy stuff, followed by Karnivool, strangely similar but with higher sung notes.  Motorhead were unimpressive, badly needing an additional guitarist, and only warming up the crowd in their last two songs. I am not sure why he kept saying they were a rock and roll band, when he then proceeded to play what was obviously heavy metal, or at least very heavy rock; has he not heard Buddy Holly? Iron Maiden had the most striking opening, with the Spitfire flying above, and gave excellent though unimaginative renditions of their hits from the Seventh Son tour; though if they are playing the same set again in London in August I do not think I will run to see it.
Back through time

Back of Turisas tent
A heavy but short set was from Amon Amarth, complete with Viking boat, I will look for a full show from them somewhere. In similar vein, I and many others more dedicated than me could not get into or hear much from the Turisas tent, which was jammed.
 Ghost performed a fine "ritual", and let us respect musicians who can provoke the idle youth to chant in Latin, though the grammar of "ad inferi" worries me, as does the otherwise trouble-free being encouraged to sing "Hail Satan" in broad daylight. It would be brave of them to reference some religion other than the long-suffering Catholics... Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats played unfashionably crushing riffs in the moshing tent, though the only high smoker was man-
Hog Roast
handled out by numerous security. They were followed by Chthonic, with half a dozen Chinese traditional musicians who could just about be heard, as the bass was overblown, though the bassist herself, many remarked, should not be replaced. Most enthusiastic band were Falling with Style with a mad surfing of non-crowds.

And Bauhaus
The best live band was, of course, Rammstein, coupling high concept with great style, crushing themes and pyrotechnics. Though hampered on this occasion by relatively few knowing their lyrics, and even fewer understanding them. Unlike myself, of course; indeed I, Melachi, wearing as usual a mask at these events, in extreme crush had it torn off in their pit, and I retired to the relative rear, after collapsing and missing a few of their numbers. But thereafter I could see rather better, and particularly remember their magnificent burning square cross. Alles gut fur dieses metal Jahr, denn.

Monday 10 June 2013


I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being a man of wealth and taste, did attend the recital of E. Leonskaya at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, on 5 June 2013. She played Ravel, Debussy and Brahms. I went as I had heard she had played with Richter. She was very decisive in her performance, with the loud sections rather loud, though without the brightness of an Ashkenazy, and the quiet sections lacking the pellucid quietude and magnetism one might prefer. The piano seemed rather distorted as though it might buzz at some points in the complex chords, and quite loud too; even from the back of the hall. There were a few pleasant encores. I had the impression this was a "they write it, I play it" pianist, but none the worse for that.

Bravo Magician

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the gig of Black Magician, Mourning Beloved and Prophecy at the upstairs room of the Garage, Islington, on 1 June 2013. The audience included many bearded longhairs, and a rock chick with Judas Priest T-shirt and headscarfe, which is promising. I recall that the Prophecy were good, with an impressively versatile vocalist, but I do not remember much else about them. The Black Magician seemed more focused than I had seen them earlier at the Underground, though this may simply have been because this room was rather longer with the stage at the end, so it is easier to concentrate on it. They struck me again as very atmospheric, due to the synthesizer, and heavy in the traditional vein. I am looking for a vinyl of their album. Mourning Beloved emitted a thoroughly doomladen sound, very heavy though less atmospheric, thought Melachi.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Piscine Professor

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the gig of Fish and Lu Cosma at the Academy, Islington, on 29 May 2013. The support was a lady singer and a somewhat acoustic guitar playing to backing tracks. Never have I been so humiliated as having to listen to this, though may have been OK in a golf club bar. The Fischmeister General  entered the stage, with elegant glasses, rather more subdued than I had seen him before, without visible tattoos, reading his lyrics from a lecturn. His voice in the low register was strong and firm; the high register is gone completely. He played much from his new album, which, if I understood him correctly, is still unrecorded. It sounded good, but not great; the music unprepossessing except as backing chords for a slow rapping with lyrics gloomy even by his depressive standards, particularly a long song suite about the western front, though lacking their former sparkle.  Some old standards were played (the Script for Tears, He Knows You Know, Assassin) in a very low register. Even the guitar solos seemed oddly low and ineffective; they could surely be rewritten to be more striking. There was much fishy banter eventually, and it ended on a not unpleasing medley. In all, he rests not on his laurels, and this was a brave and interesting performance. He said he was ex-Marillion, and the Game was Over. Not quite, thinks Melachi.  .