Tuesday 4 June 2013

Piscine Professor

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the gig of Fish and Lu Cosma at the Academy, Islington, on 29 May 2013. The support was a lady singer and a somewhat acoustic guitar playing to backing tracks. Never have I been so humiliated as having to listen to this, though may have been OK in a golf club bar. The Fischmeister General  entered the stage, with elegant glasses, rather more subdued than I had seen him before, without visible tattoos, reading his lyrics from a lecturn. His voice in the low register was strong and firm; the high register is gone completely. He played much from his new album, which, if I understood him correctly, is still unrecorded. It sounded good, but not great; the music unprepossessing except as backing chords for a slow rapping with lyrics gloomy even by his depressive standards, particularly a long song suite about the western front, though lacking their former sparkle.  Some old standards were played (the Script for Tears, He Knows You Know, Assassin) in a very low register. Even the guitar solos seemed oddly low and ineffective; they could surely be rewritten to be more striking. There was much fishy banter eventually, and it ended on a not unpleasing medley. In all, he rests not on his laurels, and this was a brave and interesting performance. He said he was ex-Marillion, and the Game was Over. Not quite, thinks Melachi.  .

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