Thursday 14 November 2013

Braquo series 2

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did watch the second series of this very violent French detective drama, on bluray discs, and I am not sure my mind was improved by the watching. Large sections of this series could be taken directly from a horror film, particularly the numerous torture sequences. The plot revolves around numerous criminal gangs and police factions seeking gold and weaponry in Paris, is in parts ludicrous, and at all times extremely difficult to follow. This is not aided by most of the characters being similarly dark, greasy, unshaven, and wearing black leather jackets. And that is just the women. Buried in here somewhere is quite a good  story about a colonel seeking revenge on those who betrayed his soldiers in Angola. Any sympathy for him is countered by the tendency of his men to shoot any civilian bystander in the way. Compared to Spirals, the other recent French detective drama, the characters are here far less engaging, and the ambience is much more brutal, though the writing is better. Rather an ordeal than a pleasure then, though appealing to those who like this sort of thing, or wish to brush up on their French obscenities.

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