Monday 28 May 2012

Metal Gods on Repeat

I, Melachi ibn Amillar, being of unsound mind and body, did attend the Judas Priest concert on 26 May, 2012, at the Hammersmith Apollo, London. The first band, Kobra and the Lotus, did not provide any enlightenment as to their curious moniker, playing fairly standard metal of the traditional style, indeed sounding quite similar to Judas Priest themselves, though the generally fine lady vocalist singing about an octave lower. The lead guitarist was also quite notable, but I would have to hear a few more of his solos to finally pronounce on that point; they were not on for long, though, since the sound was a bit sludgy in the lower midrange, they were  rather difficult to listen to. The second band, Saxon, were quite well-known in their time, and played in a similar style. I thought the rhythm guitar attack most impressive. The Metal Gods themselves played I think the same set as in London last year, which was a bit of a disappointment. Under Blood Red Skies was in my opinion the best, though no-one else seemed to like it. Having seen Rammstein recently, the flames were not terribly exciting. The music of the style of this era is not my favourite, being rather simple and poppy (except for Iron Maiden, obviously), but who can resist a man in hooded silver cloak, together with trident? He said that the Priest would be back, and if they are, so will Melachi.

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